Saturday, April 16, 2011

Here I am......

I wanted to start this blog months ago, and I was telling myself ‘wait until you move to Mali then you will have interesting thing to say.’  Well here I am in Bamako, I arrived almost 4 weeks ago, and yet I am still figuring out how to post a blog, but don’t worry I will get there…someday:)
We’ve been busy.  Usually you will need to wait at least 3 months to get your HHE (household effects..), but lucky us, after just one week we had all those boxes (for me they looked like a gifts, a lot of gifts, I had no idea what was in each box and it was so exiting to open them, discover all the stuff we have, and then try to organize them.  So after just not even a month we can say we are in our new HOME.
Sunday we went to the ambassador’s house for Easter, and Lydia had so much fun looking for eggs, we’ve been invited to 2 birthday parties, a brunch and several dinners, visited to the Baha’i center, and celebrated the new year ( Baha’i- 21 first of March) with the Baha’i friends from Bamako. And I finally found a place to buy fresh cow milk…Life is good so far..:O)
Did I say that we love it here, Lydia is almost 23 months and old seems so happy, and just for that I am great full to be here.
Did I say that we will be in Bamako, Mali for the next 2 years.
Did I say that I will try to post at least once a week.
Did I say that by the end of the next 2 years I will say enough about this country, so that if someone wants or needs to come in Bamako they will find enough information to help them organize their trip.

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