Monday, April 18, 2011


If you want to get milk in Bamako you will have to choose between 3 kinds:
 the imported one which is extremely expensive but taste good. The local one that has a descent price and taste fine but if you look at the ingredients you will find out that it’s powder milk with water, and the third, is available at some corner stores, they will tell you that they have some fresh milk, that they will sell you in transparent bag, but is it really fresh milk???
Now my question was,” WHERE IS THE MILK!!??” Well I after a couple days of investigations, and trying milk here and there here is where I am getting my milk from now on..:O) Yammy..mmmmmmmm…mooooooo...

The Manager " HAdith"

So, if you want a real fresh milk in Bamako, go to “ Le garbale de Kafia” and ask for: “Hadith”.

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